Cosmetics and Skincare


Cosmetics and skincare Video Surveillance System

Cosmetics and skincare shops are some of the most peaceful shops but also the most visited shops. If you own these kinds of shops, you know that a customer will stay for a long time inside the shop, and sometimes they become a big mess. Grabbing a product, trying, and putting it back where it was is something familiar. All these people sometimes turn things upside down, and you won’t understand if something went wrong, if someone just stole from you, or if your employees are not paying much attention to help your customers. All this mess can be settled, and with some help from our team, you are going to see lots of differences just in the first days. One of the first things you will realize is that you are going to make more money daily, and in some cases, you will see that your customers won’t make a mess anymore. But how is all this going to happen? The first thing that we want to say is installing high-quality cameras. Having high-quality cameras in your shop will make your employees think twice before they plan to steal from you. Also, none of your customers won’t even think about taking a product without paying for it. And if you have rooms where you keep valuable things or supplies that are not for sale yet, then you should install an access control system. And to be sure that nothing will go wrong and you will be monitoring everything whenever you want, you should install our application.

Installation Advice For Video Surveillance System

Video surveillance

Having high-quality cameras in your shop will give you lots of benefits. The first thing that you will notice is that incomes will increase. If you install cameras in your shop, none of your employees don’t think about doing something that may harm you. Some clients try not to pay for small products that they can easily hide in their pockets. During the busy hours, you can check if your employees are giving excellent customer care, and if there is something that you don’t like, you can take notes and suggest to them to change. But what type of cameras should you install? In a cosmetic and skincare shop, Security iCam gives you lots of options, but the best choices for your shop are:

  • IP cameras are the most common when you want to have video surveillance that will be monitored all the time, even if you are in the distance. And in contrast to the CCTV system, all you need is the internet, and you can access it whenever possible.
  • Motion sensor cameras. Shop parts won’t be accessed many times, so you don’t have to keep them on all the time. In this case, motion sensor cameras are the best solution for you. They will be turned on and off whenever something moves.
  • CCTV cameras in case you have a big shop, and you want a safeguard all the time. These cameras are connected in a direct line and recorded 24/7

Access Control

With access control, we mean that you should install door locks that will be unlocked through a small card that can perfectly fit in your pocket or your wallet. Through the card, you will identify every employee so you can access different rooms and parts of the shop. Also, you can adjust the time of the days that someone can enter a specific shop area. This will help you to control people who will have access to valuable products and even places where you may leave money or relevant documents. In the system, you will have a history of all the people who and when you have entered a specific room.


If you are managing cosmetics and skincare, you have lots of things to do. Thinking about maintaining all these other features may come as a mess in your mind. Security iCam has Seattle everything, and we have made everything easier for you. That thing that will make the difference in our system is the phone application. All you need to do is to install our app, and everything will be in there. You can check the security cameras, maintain the sensors, or check the history about who has accessed different rooms or areas in your shop. This way, you are going to improve the way you manage your shop. If you are in doubt about an employee, you can check if they are doing something wrong. Maybe you have lots of customers, and you think that there are people who are stealing. In this case, you should install CCTV, and none of your customers will think again to steal from. All these steps will make your business thrive because you will see more income and fewer losses. Now take your action and give us a call. Having these features in your shop is a must, and Security iCam comes with the best products.

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Security System Solutions For Your Business

Architects & Engineers (A&E)

Every architect and engineer should make the environment friendly to the security system. If you are planning before installing, you will have the power system near your equipment and a clear view of your business's space.

Building Site Security

If you are an engineer, you can watch and help your employers from a distance. Record everything to check if they are doing the job as you want them to do in another moment of the day.


Having a heavy ATM that is good intently in the ground is not enough. Maybe you think that an ATM transaction will be just a few seconds to a 1-2 minute but the surroundings plus the fact that money is moving will put everyone in danger.

Gun Shops

Owning a gun shop means you are taking lots of risk and responsibilities. This type of business is double as risky as other businesses because of the products that you are selling. Criminals target gun shops all the time not just because of the big amounts of money but also because they can steal guns.

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