Airports Security Solutions


Airport Video Surveillance System

Every single minute there are lots of threats that may happen in an airport and each of them needs to be prevented. Installing a video surveillance system inside an airport is crucial, the easiest and most effective way. Each day you will face the danger of terrorism, immigrants, illegal substances, wanted people, etc. A well-planned video surveillance system is going to make a difference and lower the crime rate at its limits. If you really want to make an effective plan then the only way to do it is by contacting an experienced company.

Benefits of Airport Video Surveillance System

By installing video surveillance systems you will be able to lower the crime rate and so make all the passengers feel safer. There are lots of risks that an airport needs to deal with everyday and each of them has to be monitored in detail. Video surveillance is going to make it easier to prevent the dangers and increase the overall security rate. Only the presence of well-planned video surveillance is going to make everyone who is planning something bad think twice.

  • Prevent Terrorist Attack – It’s a fact that airports around the world are targets for a terrorist attack. Monitoring every space of an airport with high-quality IP(Internet Protocol) cameras is going to make a difference. You will be able to check if there is someone suspicious doing something that may put others in danger. Even a forgotten travel bag can make a big threat. Just by watching the recordings, you will be able to see who forgot the beg and investigate if it is a real threat or just a mistake.
  • Remote Control To Different Areas – Airports are huge and sometimes it’s hard to monitor the whole area at the same time. By installing cameras in key points and grouping by the importance you will make it easier. All you need is an internet connection and you will be able to check everything that is happening in real-time.
  • Online Data Storage – All the recordings are going to be stored in an online data storage. This means you won’t need to monitor the system. Also, you will find it is much easier to search and use the older data in case of an investigation.
  • Intelligent Video Camera – Nowadays the importance of intelligent cameras is higher and their role in preventing crimes is crucial. Bringing notified whenever something is wrong without you even looking at the monitor is a big help for the security system. Another helpful feature of intelligent video cameras is the face recognition system. This system will help the authorities to find and catch suspected and wanted people.
  • Employees breaking the rules – There are lots of cases when airports have helped suspects to break the rules of the airport. Most of the time there are passengers who try to leave with illegal objects or products. Placing cameras in the passing areas will prevent your employees from planning or doing things that are not allowed.

Question You Should Ask Before Installing Airport Video Surveillance

Airport camera surveillance systems need to cover a big area so sometimes it’s hard to monitor every single spot. Answering the right question will help you to find the key points of the airport where it’s easier to break the security.

  • What’s the most repeated crime in the airport history?
  • What type and how many security personnel are patrolling the airport?
  • Have you ever had a case of a terrorist attack?
  • Which are the most populated areas during certain hours of the day?
  • Is the airport connected through train, tram, busses or other transportation services?
  • What’s the security level of restricted areas?
  • Is there the needed staff in the security checkpoints?
  • Are there special areas in airports where you need higher security levels?

Installation Advice For Airport Video Surveillance

Consultation and hiring a well-experienced company to design the plan of an airport security system is crucial. The fact that there are so many areas that need to be monitored and threats that may come in different ways and from each person that enters or leaves the building makes it risky and with high responsibility.

  • Secure every entrance and exit with high definition cameras. Every person who will enter or leave the airport needs to be recorded. Positioning cameras in the angel to capture every face is crucial.
  • Install cameras near the security checkpoint to capture every passenger who passes and all the procedures.
  • Place cameras in open areas of the airport. This way you will have a full view of every passenger and further information about how they traveled and in which direction did they go.
  • In cases of transportation systems such as trains, trams or busses you have to install cameras at the stations in order to record passengers who will use this type of transportation to come or leave the airport.
  • Install cameras in baggage store and clain areas so you can have evidence in case of stealing or any suspect object.


Security iCam comes with the best solutions for airport Video surveillance systems. Our experience makes the difference in this business. We provide the best products and services to our clients. Our teams of experts will make a well-detailed plan, installation and usage support, installing configuration, end-user training, and support 24/7 through every single step. Experience with airports and related companies and buildings makes us confident in decision making. With a well-trained and experienced team, everything is going to be settled in detail. Starting with the plan design and well-trained end-use staff you will be able to lower the crime rate to its limits.

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