Security Systems for Architects, Engineers, or Design offices

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By clicking the "Get a Free Quote" button below, I agree that a security expert will contact me via text messages or phone calls to the phone number provided by me about Security iCam packages or offers and consent is not required to make a purchase.

Architects & Engineers security systems

Every architect and engineer knows the importance of planning before building. Planning a security system for your building is one of the most important things you should do in your business. Every architect and engineer should make the environment friendly to the security system. If you are planning before installing, you will have the power system near your equipment and a clear view of your business’s space. If you are working on a project, you have to think about building the security system to increase the service quality you offer to your clients. If you own an architect and engineering office, it is useful if you think about securing your office. Maybe you believe that there is no risk inside an architect’s office, but in fact, our experience tells the opposite. These types of offices are at a high risk of fire, fluids, or stealing. In the case of fire, you will risk your whole business if there are not saved documents online. Also, if you have secret projects, then someone may try to steal and harm your business. If you want to avoid any of these cases, then a well-planned security system is going to make you a hundred percent sure that nothing will happen without you being noticed.

We recommend the installation of security cameras combined with access control systems to reduce the threat of files going missing and deter potential crimes. Having security cameras installed in your Law Firm makes it easier for your security personnel to monitor ongoing activities. As a business owner, you will be able to lock a few areas away. Those areas mainly contain off elevators, stairways, and file rooms. Your security cameras can be used to track your high number of visitors or track employee working habits to increase productivity.

Security iCam has over ten years of experience in Law offices camera installation. Our specialists will design and install a high-quality system combined with access control systems. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a FREE on-site evaluation of your law firm in New York, New Jersey, and Long Island.

Benefits of Security Cameras Systems for Architects & Engineers

Planning your security system before building it will give you lots of benefits and make it easier for the ones who will use and those who will build. Most of our clients who have already had the security system built have a lower crime rate. A friendly environment is going to be more noticeable, but also it will look nicer.

Best places for camera installation

Planning the security system will help you find the best spots to install your cameras. This way, you will make it easier to install, but also you will find the blind spots of your business so there won't be any area uncovered.

Hidden cameras

The presence of hidden cameras is going to increase the security level. Planning before building will help you to hide cameras in places where no one will notice. This will make your staff feel safer, and you will be sure that things won't happen without you noticing.

Installation near power sources

Another benefit you will have by planning before installing the security system is that you're going to install your cameras near your power sources. This way, you won't create a mess with cables, and you will save money.

Find the risky spots

Finding the places where the risk is higher will help every business predict and prevent bad things. Maybe there is a blind spot where a thief may enter or a place where fire risk is high.

Places to Install Security Cameras

No matter the type of business, you have to find the places where installing security cameras will be smarter and have focus. Your business will have different kinds of areas, so you have to think specifically for each of them. Entrances and exits must be focused since it is where you will be able to concentrate and film every customer. Depending on the type of business, you should also cover the outdoors. If you have a company where most of the clients use their cars to come and go then, you should be sure to record their vehicle’s plate. During the project, you may also find spots where it will be easier for a thief to reach and enter during the closed hours, so that a night vision camera will be crucial. By making a detailed plan, things will be much easier for your business, and indeed your client is going to be satisfied with your job.

Customize your security system today

Before installing Video Security Systems, you should ask those questions.

Not everyone has enough information about the security system, and sometimes you have to be well informed if you want to do a good job. Before installing video security systems, you should have some detailed information. These are some of the most important questions you should ask.

Do you have more than one entrance and exits?

If you do, you have to cover every entrance and exit with high definition cameras because this is the only way to be sure that you have filmed every person that will come and go.

Do you have high-risk places like cases, cash registers, or storerooms where you may keep valuable equipment or money?

Securing these areas of your business with face height cameras is very important. These are the spots with the highest risk in every business.

Does your business have outdoor areas?

In case you have outdoor areas, you have to plan where you should install the cameras to capture the car's plates. Also, installing a power source near the camera will save you money.

Are you going to record it during the night?

If you have the type of business that needs to also record during the night, you have to think about installing lights for the cameras to have a clear view.


In general, if you are about to create a project for a specific project, then you have to think about the security system. Security iCam is going to give you support and help during the plan, so things are going to be more comfortable in the moment that the security system will be installed. By planning before building, you will increase the security level of the business. We provide you with all the available equipment and techniques so things will be perfect and so your customer will feel safe and save money. If you want further information, give us a phone call or contact us through the contact forms you may find on our website.

more industries

Law Firm/Office Security

Just like any other business, law firms in New York, New Jersey, and Long Island need security as well.

Cyber Security & Identity Theft

Security iCam will give you a peace of mind knowing your sensitive data is protected 24/7.

Office Security

Just like any other business, law firms in New York, New Jersey, and Long Island need security as well.

Building Site Surveillance System

Construction companies have lots of problems every year, and they think everything is possible every year.

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By clicking the "Get a Free Quote" button below, I agree that a representative will contact me via text messages or phone calls to the phone number provided by me about the services or offers and consent is not required to make a purchase.

Get a free quote

Call (877) 777-1017 or fill out the form and an representative will call you about the services we offer. 

By clicking the "Get a Free Quote" button below, I agree that a security expert will contact me via text messages or phone calls to the phone number provided by me about Security iCam packages or offers and consent is not required to make a purchase.